Celebrating Father's Day - Third Sunday in June

Father’s Day in the United States is on the third Sunday of June. It celebrates the contribution that fathers and father figures make for their children’s lives.  Father’s Day is a relatively modern holiday so different families have a range of traditions. These can range from a simple phone call or greetings card to large parties honoring all of the ‘father’ figures in a particular extended family.  Father’s Day celebrates and honors the men who have embraced the essential role of fatherhood. On this day, we also thank fathers and father figures for the sacrifices they make, for embracing the responsibility of nurturing and raising children, and for their devotion to their families.   Father figures can include fathers, step-fathers, fathers-in-law, grandfathers and great-grandfathers and even other male relatives.

A woman called Sonora Smart Dodd was an influential figure in the establishment of Father’s Day. Her father raised six children by himself after the death of their mother. This was uncommon at that time, as many widowers placed their children in the care of others or quickly married again.

Sonora was inspired by the work of Anna Jarvis, who had pushed for Mother’s Day celebrations. Sonora felt that her father deserved recognition for what he had done. The first time Father’s Day was held in June was in 1910. Father’s Day was officially recognized as a holiday in 1972 by President Nixon.

Father’s Day Messages

-Love begins and ends with a father.

-A dad’s job isn’t about being everything to everyone. Just everything to someone.

-Every dad is special. Just not as special as you.

-When I count my blessings, I start with you.

-Father: a son’s hero and a daughter’s first love.

-To find the heart of a father, one need only look at his children.

-With a dad like you, every day is Father’s Day.

-True heroes are measured not by honors received, but hugs given.

-Memories are the inheritance that fathers leave their children.

-The best view of the world is seen from the shoulders of a father.

-There’s no better gift than having you for a father. I love you, Dad.

Author: Michele Walton - Contributor/Writer
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