Damascus Roads Outreach Food Pantry

Our next drive-through food drive is scheduled for the 3rd Saturday at Damascus Missionary Baptist Church

On behalf of the Damascus Roads Outreach Food Pantry, Thank You!
 3rd Saturday 

Our drive-through food drive has been a success every 3rd Saturday. By the Grace of God, we have provided hundreds of families with groceries this year. We anticipate an increase in the number of families for the coming months. Thank you to all of you who gave food, gave financially, or served during the drive. You are Damascus Missionary Baptist Church!

A huge thank you to our wonderful volunteers and residents who came together to support those in need in our community.

We were blessed with a grant from the Ohio Association of Food Banks which enabled us to purchase an additional freezer. This will enable us to order more types of refrigerated items to provide a variety of vegetables, meats, and dairy items.

Our next drive-through food drive is scheduled for the next 3rd Saturday at Damascus Missionary Baptist Church and will be open to the public at our usual time starting at 1pm.  Please mark your calendars! You may contact Sister Jennifer at damascusmbc@damascusmbc.org or leave a message at the church, call 216-721-1433.

Author: Jennifer Lloyd-Moore - Writer
Damascus MBC Connect Editions