Damascus Missionary Baptist Church Sunday School and Sunday Morning Service

Sunday School 10:00 am and Sunday Morning Service at 11:00 am Welcome to The Damascus Missionary Baptist Church! We are a Bible based, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit filled congregation of faith and love.

Sunday School at 11:00am

Sunday Morning Service at 11:00am

Communion Every 1st Sunday


Welcome to The Damascus Missionary Baptist Church! We are a Bible based, Christ-centered, Holy Spirit filled congregation of faith and love.  We are a local community church, with historical significance and together we lift the name of Jesus Christ through evangelism, education, enlightenment and empowerment.

And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me.

John 12:32

Join us each Sunday at 11:00am.  Expect modern/traditional gospel music with our choirs (Voices of Damascus (primary choir), Echoes of Praise (Youth Choir), Men’s and Women’s choirs), hear an inspiring message from the Bible taught by our pastor, meet some great people, fellowship with our aspiring youth and utilize our any of our Mission services which are available.  Everyone is welcome!

Expect Great Things

Our heart is to help you reach your full God given potential. If you’re ever in the Cleveland Woodland Hills area, come visit us. We’ll make sure you feel right at home.

Beautiful Historic Building

Worship with us in a sanctuary that features beautiful arching stained glass windows and gleaming natural wood crown molding. Plenty of natural wood pews also showcasing a traditional natural oak pulpit and choir stand. The basement features a kitchen, pantry and nursery area.

Singing Praises

Our music ministry, led by a Cleveland gospel legend, utilizes the Baby Grand piano, organ, Electric Bass, drums and percussion instruments.  There are two ongoing choirs, the Voices of Damascus and the Echoes of Praise as well as Men’s and Women’s day choirs.  Come here popular modern songs as well as some spirited traditional music

Worship Together

Inspiring, encouraging and fulfilling are just a few of the words that describe worship at Damascus Missionary Baptist Church. We believe in learning and praising the name of God… together.

Everyone is Welcome

Damascus Missionary Baptist Church has something for everyone. Church isn’t for perfect people. It’s for hurting people, for hungry people, for growing people. It doesn’t matter your background, your race, your ethnicity or what you’ve been through. You are welcome here

Author: Richard T. Newsome - Editor
Damascus MBC Connect Editions