Financial Safety-Avoiding Scams

Telemarketer scams. Health care insurance scams, Medicare scams and home repair/contractor fraud are on the rise, especially amongst seniors. Heed these warnings to protect your finances and your family’s inheritance.

  1. Don’t answer the phone if the phone number is unfamiliar.
  2. Don’t buy services or items from telemarketers. Take time to weigh your options.
  3. Do not answer the door if the person is unfamiliar or uninvited.
  4. Avoid paying bills with gift cards.
  5. Monitor YouTube and Robolox usage(on-line sites used heavily by children and youth).
  6. Avod having work done at your house if you are home alone. Have family, friends or neighbors over safety and guidance.
  7. Do not respond to debt scams. They come by phone, letter, email, or text. Know your financial situation and ignore the scams.
  8. Health insurance fraud is a common scam affecting seniors. Guard your medical information carefully.
  9. Obtain a salesperson’s name, business identity, telephone number, street address, mailing address, and business license number before you transact business.
  10. Do not do business with door-to-door or telephone salespeople who tell you that services of medical equipment are free.
Author: Michelle D Walton – writer/contributor
Damascus MBC Connect Editions